Convulsion is neither Epilepsy nor is it a Seizure.
What is a Convulsion Attack???
Convulsion Attack is a sudden uncontrollable attack
Why it happens???
Convulsion Attack can occur as a result of any illness that causes Very High Temperature.
Infections related to nose or throat.
Convulsions may be even inherited from their parents.
Since Children are immature and body is still not developed, they are the ones who face the Convulsion Attack.
Signs of Convulsion Attack???
1). Eyes rolling upwards such that only the whites of their eyes appear
2). Violent twitching of Muscles, arms and legs
3). Losing consciousness
4). Clenching of fists
5). Losing control of bladder
6). Going pale and sometimes bluish in colour
What to do during Convulsion Attack???
Do not panic. Stay Cool. Contact your Doctor immediately and act as per his advise., till he comes, you can......
1). Turn the patient to the side to ensure that any vomit or foaming is drained out of the mouth
2) Bring the body temperature by sponging his body with a wet towel., and also loosing his clothes
3). Do NOT force anything in their mouth.
4). Bring down the room temperature by opening of windows
After the patient comes into control, on Doctor's advise, give Paracetamol.
There is only 1 percent chance of a child with Convulsion attact of becoming an epileptic. The Convulsion Attack usually lasts for 2-3 minutes.
Stay Calm.
Best of luck.
The blog is NOT reponsible for any loss in health due to action taken on the basis of the tips given here. You are strongly requested to Consult your Doctor/Medical Expert before taking medication or acting on the tips given here